Thursday, June 24, 2010


Wednesday,23 June 2010.
Hi lil diary~(that's what i used to write/say when i'm using a book to write my diary..FYI im used to have diaries back when i was in form 3,4 and 5..but then i began to feel lazy writing about my life,as it's getting bored and just nothing interesting..i begin to like taking pics instead of writing my experience in a piece of paper or type it out in notepad or something you know..Ok~enough with the grandma's story (sorry about that..XD).What i wanna write is actually about the longest wait ever for only a pair of thing~!grrr!!>.< i finally received my contact lens (crying because so thrilled) after waited for about 1 month or so..So happy!(^_^) From now on i really have to buy for something which is a ready stock..Hate waiting~!Hmm...I just tried it out  yesteerday..Once i put it on,i'm like @o@ WTH?!!It's totally HUGE!!16mm cn be that big in my eyes..gosh!i look like an alien..haha!!it's seems like  a real doll-eye-wanna-be~erk=.="~i don't know it it really suits me..but...adi buy ma..sobs~~gna buy other brand next time...huhu.."sadly" i can't help myself camwhonying..again...(you gonna get used to that as i love taking pics~^_^v) 'Til then,see ya~!!^^


kAzu said...

yo!! really huge!!! like a giant eye ball... hahaha.... but nice lar the color ^^ hehehe~

kAzu said...

huhu.. tp lawa... nmpk dolly... plus ko pki falsies lak!! wahhh.. cnteq nyer.. hehe

eX-muRdeR said...

hahaha..dats y la..really huge..look like alien~XD but the color nt dat terang actually...heheh...
dat falsies r my sis..saje je..haha..i dun like it,i wna buy new falsies later...^^
thx for commenting ya^^