Wednesday, June 16, 2010

what a boring day~~~ i slept late again,5 am...those two brats la,yukky(or her latest name ywkky) and the so-called kanda to me a.k.a mr hafiz (better known as ahjusshi) makes me stayed up til 5 am..wahlao~!!talking crap here n there,but still,we had fun~^^ sdnly dat ahjusshi started to call me dinda,so funny la..they really make up my day~thanks guys~^^ hmm...i woke up late again...head kinda dizzy...(i really shouldn't sleep that late again,but still cnt help it~!>.<) woke up,check mails (cn u imagine?suhyon really makes me like wat dow woke up terus go check email..kaka~!funny~!XD),then take my sis terus grab the "opportunity" to use the lappy;grrrrr =.=, so i decided to take my luch terus la..cause it's quite late oso at dat time...huhu...having my luch while watching tv;watched the pro sniper having a competition,to find the next sharp shooter.wahlao,so hard the training n tests...but seems so cool..wish i can try it too..;P (yeah,dream on~!XD) after that watched a movie,"Lean On Me" at HBO,kinda cool movie,though it's an old one.pretty bored this afternoon..continue to watch my drama,it's almost finish liao.sobs...dno what i can watch next..i'm not like yukky,can watch just about everything.huhu..after that,i got headache..maybe coz i sleep late..huhu...then i had to take a nap,coz dah tak tahan sangat...huhu...sekali bangun,almost 9 o'clock liao..huhu....uwaaa....after finish all my "bizz",continue back with on9 and facebook'ing,chatting...hehe...almost the same la everyday...that's all i guess for today la..nothing interesting..cya tomorrow~~bye bye~^^

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