Monday, June 14, 2010

B for bored~+.+

Hmmm...what to start~?It seems a little weird to write a diary here,in a blog form..haha...never done it wen jun ask me to write diary,coz he wna read you go~!hehe;P actually,to be honest,I got nothing much to talk about,as my daily life,in the mean time,pretty much the same.but,nvm..i'll try to write anything that happen in my life everyday here.maybe something will happen,who knows right?hehe..but for the past few days,i just wasting my time with watching drama only..but that drama is so cool~!!!it called "down with love/就想賴著妳 / Jiu Xiang Lai Zhe Ni " (or the more exact translation of this is "only want to depends/rely on u)..wahseh,i tell u,this drama made me sleep til 5 am u noe..make me look more and more like panda day by day..haiz~.~" pimple oso  "popup" like what ny on my face...uwaaaa~~~!TT.TT but,nvm la,i didn't care that much..seems like i become more lazy la nowadays...i woke up,mandi,do some housework,online,watch drama til evening,mandi,watch drama,makan,on9,sms...wahlaowei...beh tahan liao ye,i feel like what nia having life like this..huhu...but,maybe later i will continue my studies,life would never be the same that time,sure im craving more n more of leisure time..haha..funny leh sometimes,when we want we cant get it,but when we dont want,we will get it..whatever thing,i will surely not giving up my studies..yup..ain~jiayou~!!!!^0^ ok la ok la...really nothing interesting jor wna say...write again next time...take care ya u all..hope u guys will have a blessing day~cya~^^

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