Monday, June 28, 2010

meeting nadia...

Saturday,26th June 2010.

Today actually i've made a promise with nadia to meet her at TS.i woke up rather early than the usual day..huhu..after woke up,i straight open up my email n stuff,kinda bored actually to wait til 1 smthg in the,waited,wasting my time browsing through the internet (dno actually what i wna do..~.~")
waited n waited,it's 1~!!finally!!so i began to prepare everything,pray,make-up all..then something happened that pissed me off~>.< i supposed to go with xiao wei..but when i gave him sms,he didnt oso no i decided to sms his sis,coz it's quite late adi at that time,kesian nadia have to wait so long...sms his sis makes me even pissed off...she go and ask me what i want finding her bro?y want ask he's at home or not?WTH!!!!im who to him?!some stranger trying to woo him or what??!im his girlfriend for God's sake~!>.< then few minutes after that,i received an sms from xiao wei,saying he will pick me up after he had his lunch..grr~!it's almost 3pm,i can't even i made up my mind,i get a taxi to that time,im really pissed off..thank God it doesnt cost me much..haiz~~
i managed to reach TS by 3 pm,then go find nadia..we had a chat,walk around for a while,then go eat lunch..i told her bout the incident,it takes time for me to cool down,but not that long..glad i can meet her...through the whole walking n chit-chating,my mind always thinking of how good it could be if yukky n mira oso can join us that day..huhu...hmmm...maybe some day they will come and meet me...
while i was eating,xiao wei suddenly called me,asking me where i am..i told him im at the food court..he's actually came to see me at TS that time,maybe afraid im mad at kinda ease off my anger..pretty cool...then walk2 again,shopping a bit..oh ya!!u know what!!i've got a chance to go to Etude House!!!aigoo!!so happy~!^^ at 1st i thought,this shop must sell expensive things (as it come frm korea),but i try to enter it with nadia..hehehe..suprisingly~the price are just normal,not that expensive..furhtermore,they're offering 50% discount for some of their items!how cool is that?!!XD well,credits to xiao wei to belanja me those things i bought from Etude House...^_^ saranghaeyo~~<3
after that we did walked to sg. wang for a nothing there...almost 7,xiao wei nand i sent nadia to lrt station,she needs to go back le..huhu...hope to see her and xiao wei walked again in TS,wna find one shoe that i like,but sadly,tak jumpa..dunno where the shop liao..>.< at 8 went home..
xiao wei tumpang my bro house to take shower,then i go make-up him..hahahaha....simply la,coz he got reunion that nigth,so i just want him look ok a bit ma...hehe...
ok...nite chat a while with yukky n wen jun...then i cnt tahan..sleep kinda early..2 smthg i guess..huhu...that's all lor....bye^^

Thursday, June 24, 2010


Wednesday,23 June 2010.
Hi lil diary~(that's what i used to write/say when i'm using a book to write my diary..FYI im used to have diaries back when i was in form 3,4 and 5..but then i began to feel lazy writing about my life,as it's getting bored and just nothing interesting..i begin to like taking pics instead of writing my experience in a piece of paper or type it out in notepad or something you know..Ok~enough with the grandma's story (sorry about that..XD).What i wanna write is actually about the longest wait ever for only a pair of thing~!grrr!!>.< i finally received my contact lens (crying because so thrilled) after waited for about 1 month or so..So happy!(^_^) From now on i really have to buy for something which is a ready stock..Hate waiting~!Hmm...I just tried it out  yesteerday..Once i put it on,i'm like @o@ WTH?!!It's totally HUGE!!16mm cn be that big in my eyes..gosh!i look like an alien..haha!!it's seems like  a real doll-eye-wanna-be~erk=.="~i don't know it it really suits me..but...adi buy ma..sobs~~gna buy other brand next time...huhu.."sadly" i can't help myself camwhonying..again...(you gonna get used to that as i love taking pics~^_^v) 'Til then,see ya~!!^^

Saturday, June 19, 2010


alright guys..i havent post out my diary these few days.i've been lazying around,huhu..coz really..nothing much happen..ok,but this is the quick summary of what had happened on 17 june 2010.i've been so bored just doing the same probably can guess what i did sienz la..but,that evening i went to the park with ica,teman her go play the swing..hmm..again,i got the same feeling.somehow seeing kids playing around and being so careless about what happen in this world,how happy they are every single minute of their chilhood life,makes me feel that,why not,we enjoy life a bit though we're not that young see the kids smiling and playing around,it calms my heart and my even made me smile.=)
after playing a while,we head back to home.then suddenly i got this crazy idea of "experimenting" with make-up..XD you know how i love make-up~>.< enjoy your day you guys..cya~!^_^v

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

what a boring day~~~ i slept late again,5 am...those two brats la,yukky(or her latest name ywkky) and the so-called kanda to me a.k.a mr hafiz (better known as ahjusshi) makes me stayed up til 5 am..wahlao~!!talking crap here n there,but still,we had fun~^^ sdnly dat ahjusshi started to call me dinda,so funny la..they really make up my day~thanks guys~^^ hmm...i woke up late again...head kinda dizzy...(i really shouldn't sleep that late again,but still cnt help it~!>.<) woke up,check mails (cn u imagine?suhyon really makes me like wat dow woke up terus go check email..kaka~!funny~!XD),then take my sis terus grab the "opportunity" to use the lappy;grrrrr =.=, so i decided to take my luch terus la..cause it's quite late oso at dat time...huhu...having my luch while watching tv;watched the pro sniper having a competition,to find the next sharp shooter.wahlao,so hard the training n tests...but seems so cool..wish i can try it too..;P (yeah,dream on~!XD) after that watched a movie,"Lean On Me" at HBO,kinda cool movie,though it's an old one.pretty bored this afternoon..continue to watch my drama,it's almost finish liao.sobs...dno what i can watch next..i'm not like yukky,can watch just about everything.huhu..after that,i got headache..maybe coz i sleep late..huhu...then i had to take a nap,coz dah tak tahan sangat...huhu...sekali bangun,almost 9 o'clock liao..huhu....uwaaa....after finish all my "bizz",continue back with on9 and facebook'ing,chatting...hehe...almost the same la everyday...that's all i guess for today la..nothing interesting..cya tomorrow~~bye bye~^^

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

pin pin~!!!hahahaha!!!XD

hello...^^ today i actually slept at 5 smthg in the "busy" la,watch drama,layan dat ahjusshi,reply msgs at ownskin..aiyak~!+.+ huhu..but it was fun,seems like there's still a person who wna care bout me~^^ talked a lot with ahjusshi..bout life,bout suhyon unnie(God pls forgive me for keep talking bout her behind her back,i just can't help it~.~"),bout yukky (yukky u must be proud i write ur name hereXD),bout chuanny..huhu...(i miss chuanny~!>.<) a lot la...but i feel comfortable talking to ahjusshi,as he's like my own brother,he's cool n open-minded (in a gud way ok~!),he seems to understnd had a sleeping process,i terjaga bout 10 stmhg,then the wheather seems cold so i "had to" sleep back...then i woke up at **:**pm (ehem...this is too confidential for u guys to know).kinda sucks la when i woke up,dat lil monster still havent taken her bath yet,n everything kinda like a mess.kinda fed-up,everything also wna put on me,i didnt say i tak ikhlas do all that,but sometimes,it seems like im more like a "maid" in this house,though i ddint cook (that's the only thing i didnt do for a housework ok).kinda mess up my mood a lil bit la..=( forget about that kinda busy settling down few orders from customer,kinda sucks when i always need to wait for the confirmation frm dat suhyon unnie.gosh~thank God everything ok still..had a chat a while with yukky,jospesh n wen jun..evening come fast,xiao wei came to visit me today..hooray~!^_^ so happy to see him..hehe..he wna taught me how to ride a 1st i was scared and just not confident to ride it,as its not a scooter..huhu..but slowly he teach me and i began to get some confident,and i did ride on my own~im so proud of myself^^ (but he already put in the gear la,so i dun have to tukar again when bawak the motor..huhu~.~) then bring ica along to the playground,she had fun,as,when i sit next to xiao wei,i do feel something,nothing so weird,but at that time we didnt even talk,but it seems really calm and really nice feeling.maybe i just want someone to always be at my side.huhu..damn~!im 20 liao and still imagining so many things to happen..haha..sorry if u guys thinks im sucks or anything,im just telling u what i feel inside..i do miss papa..miss the family i had before,miss my school days..haiz~
ok..then we went back,xiao wei oso went home..mandi2,solat,mengaji,on9 again,then watch drama again..hehe..back to normal routine..when my sis get back frm work,she did hurt me a little by saying that i must not have doing the housework n all..i just remain quiet..sometimes,these people like wna see everything's perfect after they got back from work,they assume if something not been done,they will accuse me to be lazy,never do anything,this n's hurtful..dno y people always think bad about me,while im still trying to prove that i wasnt so bad..even with my sis,every game that she played in fb,i played for her,if not smtms she will get mad at me just because i didnt play it for that considered as my job too?im kinda frustrated with their attitude.i really miss home(muar) at this moment.but,even at home,people always treat me the same way.wth that they think?women should always do the housework and guys are just lazying around?!is that it?!bullshit!i really pissed off when it comes to this wonder im like a mute person at home..hmmm...i gta back to my drama now,talking about this makes me long friends~gudnite,have a sweetdreams~(",)


Monday, June 14, 2010

B for bored~+.+

Hmmm...what to start~?It seems a little weird to write a diary here,in a blog form..haha...never done it wen jun ask me to write diary,coz he wna read you go~!hehe;P actually,to be honest,I got nothing much to talk about,as my daily life,in the mean time,pretty much the same.but,nvm..i'll try to write anything that happen in my life everyday here.maybe something will happen,who knows right?hehe..but for the past few days,i just wasting my time with watching drama only..but that drama is so cool~!!!it called "down with love/就想賴著妳 / Jiu Xiang Lai Zhe Ni " (or the more exact translation of this is "only want to depends/rely on u)..wahseh,i tell u,this drama made me sleep til 5 am u noe..make me look more and more like panda day by day..haiz~.~" pimple oso  "popup" like what ny on my face...uwaaaa~~~!TT.TT but,nvm la,i didn't care that much..seems like i become more lazy la nowadays...i woke up,mandi,do some housework,online,watch drama til evening,mandi,watch drama,makan,on9,sms...wahlaowei...beh tahan liao ye,i feel like what nia having life like this..huhu...but,maybe later i will continue my studies,life would never be the same that time,sure im craving more n more of leisure time..haha..funny leh sometimes,when we want we cant get it,but when we dont want,we will get it..whatever thing,i will surely not giving up my studies..yup..ain~jiayou~!!!!^0^ ok la ok la...really nothing interesting jor wna say...write again next time...take care ya u all..hope u guys will have a blessing day~cya~^^