Sunday, July 4, 2010

I tHinK i'M iN Lov3 w!tH mAk3-uP~!! =X


i dont't think i've been this crazy before.i really like out of my mind..haha..seriously..i even made a wishlist of the things that i wanna buy later on(that is depends on my $ ka-ching!) .but,its kinda like boost-up my spirit to work hard and think of a way to earn more money and at the same time,saving part of it as know la,i will,not sure when,but surely and definitely gonna continue my studies,gotta learn to save money from somehow feels good you know to have that spirit of having something on your own effort,it makes me wanna work harder.^__^
had much of fun of the day.thank You Allah for giving me this life,the time for me to smile,to laugh,to share out my love and be a part of somebody else's life too.
getting more and more crazy with make-up and tutorials!!ahhhh!!>.<  just can't get enough of it..huhu..after all,i guess it's not like it's something wrong to do right??huhu...>_^v

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